Ramakrishna Math, Thrissur
Ramakrishna Math, Thrissur
(A Branch Centre of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math)

Ancient Sages

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India traces its roots to sages, rishis, and seers of truth. It is proud to trace its ancestry to the half-clad sages who had nothing in this world and yet ruled the hearts of millions, sages to whom the even mighty emperors bowed down and sought counsel from. It is pride in our glorious past and ancestors that inspire us to strive to create a better country for the future generations. This book presents short lives of thirty-four of our ancient sages and seers. A detailed Glossary and Genealogy enhance the value of the book.
Swami Satyamayananda
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India traces its roots to sages, rishis, and seers of truth. It is proud to trace its ancestry to the half-clad sages who had nothing in this world and yet ruled the hearts of millions, sages to whom the even mighty emperors bowed down and sought counsel from. It is pride in our glorious past and ancestors that inspire us to strive to create a better country for the future generations. This book presents short lives of thirty-four of our ancient sages and seers. A detailed Glossary and Genealogy enhance the value of the book.
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