Ramakrishna Math, Thrissur
Ramakrishna Math, Thrissur
(A Branch Centre of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math)

Bhakti Or Devotion

This booklet discusses some of the crucial and most pertinent issues surrounding the practice of devotion in a succinct way. The author brilliantly brings out the rationale of this practice ignorance of which has been the main cause of the timeless conflict in the religious scenario of the world. He forcefully justifies its need for every man while still in the nursery of religious life.
Swami Vivekananda
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This booklet discusses some of the crucial and most pertinent issues surrounding the practice of devotion in a succinct way. The author brilliantly brings out the rationale of this practice ignorance of which has been the main cause of the timeless conflict in the religious scenario of the world. He forcefully justifies its need for every man while still in the nursery of religious life.
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