Eternal Values for a Changing Society : Great Spiritual Teachers (Vol. -3)
This book is published by Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata.The book comprises the speeches and writings of Swami Ranganathananda covering a wide spectrum- culture, religion, science, philosophy, education, administration, management, and biography. Swamiji, with his gift of eloquence, enthrals people all over the world with his magnificent exposition of India's ageless culture backed by an erudition which, though firmly rooted in the Indian scriptures, gives due place to the role of science and technology in human affairs. He beckons to the past only to illumine the present; he holds up the spiritual goals of the Vedas and the Upanisads but does not decry the material benefits of modern science and technology. He advocates a synthesis of spirituality and science. Swamiji's exposition of Indian spiritual and social values is as much derived from intensive study of books, ancient and modern, as from his own authentic experience as a Sannyasi.