Sri Sarada Devi – A Divine Life in Pictures
This pictorial pilgrimage follows the gentle footsteps of Sri Sarada Devi from her birth in 1853 to her passing away in 1920. Swami Chetanananda presents 830 photographs that span the late nineteenth century up to the present. This enables the readers to visualize the rural Bengal and the spiritual landmarks of India that were touched and sanctified by Sri Sarada Devi, known to millions simply as Holy Mother. Holy Mother’s life story is told in detail with carefully chosen paragraphs and stories from her biographies, primarily Sri Sarada Devi and Her Divine Play. Accompanying the text are pictures of the people and places mentioned that help bring the story to life for the viewer. The photographs in this book present Holy Mother’s India in a way that has never been shown before, even for those who live or who have travelled there. The great majority of the photographs are in color, a number taken by Swami Chetanananda himself. Some photos display an India that no longer exists, while photographs taken specifically for this book accurately represent the village life of Holy Mother’s time. A wealth of historical photographs show the many people with which Mother lived, interacted, and initiated, and the variety of places Mother lived and visited. Finally, all 38 of the known photographs of Holy Mother are included with full details of their history. For Sale in India, Bangladesh, Nepal & Sri Lanka only. Readers from other countries may visit https://vedantastl.org/shop