Ramakrishna Math, Thrissur
Ramakrishna Math, Thrissur
(A Branch Centre of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math)

God Lived With Them

*This book is for sale in India only and cannot be exported. This book contains the life stories and testimonies of Sri Ramakrishna’s sixteen monastic disciples. Swami Chetanananda continues his usual pattern of meticulous research, careful documentation, engaging presentation and critical reflection. Devout followers of Sri Ramakrishna and curious outsiders will find in this new book a wealth of fascinating material about the Master, as well as intriguing anecdotes about the Master’s immediate monastic disciples.
Swami Chetanananda
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*This book is for sale in India only and cannot be exported. This book contains the life stories and testimonies of Sri Ramakrishna’s sixteen monastic disciples. Swami Chetanananda continues his usual pattern of meticulous research, careful documentation, engaging presentation and critical reflection. Devout followers of Sri Ramakrishna and curious outsiders will find in this new book a wealth of fascinating material about the Master, as well as intriguing anecdotes about the Master’s immediate monastic disciples.
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