Ramakrishna Math, Thrissur
Ramakrishna Math, Thrissur
(A Branch Centre of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math)

Kena Upanishad (Shankara)

This Upanishad forms a part of the Talavakara or Jaimini Brahmana. Here we get the notion of the ultimate Reality as the origin ground and goal of all the manifold manifestation.It lays great stress on the unique opportunity given to human birth in the spiritual evolution and unfoldment of the soul. Further it emphatically declares that Self-realization is to be had in this very life and warns that if we don’t attain it here and now ‘then there is great destruction’. Such is the immense value of this Upanishad.
Swami Gambhirananda
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This Upanishad forms a part of the Talavakara or Jaimini Brahmana. Here we get the notion of the ultimate Reality as the origin ground and goal of all the manifold manifestation.It lays great stress on the unique opportunity given to human birth in the spiritual evolution and unfoldment of the soul. Further it emphatically declares that Self-realization is to be had in this very life and warns that if we don’t attain it here and now ‘then there is great destruction’. Such is the immense value of this Upanishad.
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