Ramakrishna Math, Thrissur
Ramakrishna Math, Thrissur
(A Branch Centre of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math)

Sri Ramakrishna Suprabhatam

This book contains hymns sung in the early morning while waking up the Deity in a temple. The first seven verses deal with certain incidents in Sri Ramakrishna’s life. Verses 8-10 deal with the eagerness of the devotees to have his darsan in the early morning. Verses 11 and 12 are dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi (the Holy Mother) and to Swami Vivekananda respectively. The hymn ends with a phalasruti.
Swami Harshananda
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This book contains hymns sung in the early morning while waking up the Deity in a temple. The first seven verses deal with certain incidents in Sri Ramakrishna’s life. Verses 8-10 deal with the eagerness of the devotees to have his darsan in the early morning. Verses 11 and 12 are dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi (the Holy Mother) and to Swami Vivekananda respectively. The hymn ends with a phalasruti.
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