Ramakrishna Math, Thrissur
Ramakrishna Math, Thrissur
(A Branch Centre of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math)

Story Of Ramakrishna

One of the best ways to draw the attention of the imaginative and highly imitative minds of children toward morally and spiritually stimulating subjects is to provide them with lives of saints and prophets in the form of books captivatingly illustrated. The life of Sri Ramakrishna has been narrated in the pages of this book along with a series of visually enthralling pictures perfectly suited to make the minds of the children drink in and easily assimilate the nectar of wisdom flowing therefrom. This book was awarded the 2nd prize by the Govt. of India in the 19th National Awards for excellence in Printing and Designing Children’s books.
Swami Smaranananda
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One of the best ways to draw the attention of the imaginative and highly imitative minds of children toward morally and spiritually stimulating subjects is to provide them with lives of saints and prophets in the form of books captivatingly illustrated. The life of Sri Ramakrishna has been narrated in the pages of this book along with a series of visually enthralling pictures perfectly suited to make the minds of the children drink in and easily assimilate the nectar of wisdom flowing therefrom. This book was awarded the 2nd prize by the Govt. of India in the 19th National Awards for excellence in Printing and Designing Children’s books.
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