Ramakrishna Math, Thrissur
Ramakrishna Math, Thrissur
(A Branch Centre of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math)

Upanishads For Students

Upanishads are a source of enduring strength and wisdom for living a noble and great life. What the modern students need most is a guide to self-knowledge, concentration, strength to face challenges of life and discovering the true purpose of life. The Upanishads have answers to all these and are the best way to help a growing young mind to gain insights into how to be a better and good student. This booklet is a compilation of students’ perspective.
Swami Atmashraddhananda
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Upanishads are a source of enduring strength and wisdom for living a noble and great life. What the modern students need most is a guide to self-knowledge, concentration, strength to face challenges of life and discovering the true purpose of life. The Upanishads have answers to all these and are the best way to help a growing young mind to gain insights into how to be a better and good student. This booklet is a compilation of students’ perspective.
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