Vivekachudamani By Swami Madhavananda
A most valuable and lucid compendium of Advaita philosophy describing the transcendental knowledge of Brahman, and the way to achieve it through discrimination and meditation. Vivekachudamani means “Crest-jewel of discrimination”. In this book, Adi Shankara describes developing Viveka – the faculty of discrimination as the primary task in the spiritual life. It has the form of a dialogue between the master and the disciple where the master explains to the disciple the step by step path towards God-realization.
Product Details
A most valuable and lucid compendium of Advaita philosophy describing the transcendental knowledge of Brahman, and the way to achieve it through discrimination and meditation. Vivekachudamani means “Crest-jewel of discrimination”. In this book, Adi Shankara describes developing Viveka – the faculty of discrimination as the primary task in the spiritual life. It has the form of a dialogue between the master and the disciple where the master explains to the disciple the step by step path towards God-realization.